So many of the clothes I own are geared towards my life in Italy. Linen dresses and shirts, long flowy skirts, Tshirts, white jeans and ankle length trousers, strappy sandals or mules.
These are the clothes I love and the clothes that make me smile when I put them on in the morning. They make me feel free, happy and they tell the outside world exactly who I am. So, it has been quite a struggle to keep dressing for "me" during this grey, wet, cold winter.
I think a lot of people are finding the same thing. Their wardrobe is for another life, be it corporate and they are working from home, or dressy and they never go out. Some are finding is hard because they have to look smart for Zoom meetings, whilst teaching the children from home. There are lots of other reasons why we find we are out of kilter with our wardrobes, or maybe they were never in kilter. Perhaps we have never allowed ourselves to dress for who we are, but have just dressed for who others wanted us to be?
It is also so important to dress for our future selves. If your dream or image of yourself is different from who you are now, then it is time to dress for that person. Our brains are amazing things and if it sees that you are dressing as a better version of you, it will start to believe that that is the case and other things will start to fall into place. You will start to show up as this new version of yourself and start achieving what you believe in.
Going back to having a wardrobe disconnect, I thought it would be fun to put together my summer/Italian outfits and then reinvent them as winter/England outfits, whilst still keeping the essence of me.
Why not have a go yourself?