I have NOTHING to wear!!
We all say it! The cry of women all everywhere – whilst staring at a wardrobe full of clothing!
Why do we think this and why does it immediately stop us in our tracks and make us feel depressed and negative?
Well, the main reasons are these:
1. We have too many clothes and these are causing chaos and overwhelm in our cupboards. We need to give our wardrobes a good purge every 6 months or so and make an inventory of what we have in there. If there are things there that we will “slim into” or for our “fat days”, get rid of them! These items only end up causing body negativity and make you start the day off in the wrong frame of mind.
Equally, if there are items that you hate (yes, crazy isn’t it, but we all keep hold of things we hate “just in case” or because of a sentimental reason!), or things that don’t make you feel your best – get rid of them of put them into storage.
Sort out the remaining clothes by colour, style and design – this will give you a clear indication of what you own and help putting together an outfit so much easier.
2. Boredom - “I have nothing to wear” can just as easily translate into “I am bored with my clothes”! Think about how you would love to look and start gathering inspiration from Pinterest, Instagram, Google, etc. Make up a Pinterest board of your outfits and use this to help you put together your own look. Keep an eye open for themes that keep cropping up in your look-book ideas and this will help you develop your own personal style.
3. Lack of creativity - Have fun and experiment with styles and ideas. Try different colours and silhouettes. Just because you like a certain item, don’t just stick to that shape or colour as this will only create more boredom – be adventurous. Take photos of outfits you put together and make you feel fabulous and then keep them as inspiration for other outfits. Ignore the shopping algorithms on websites, as they will keep pushing you back to the type of item you always buy – that is there job!
4. Not “fit for purpose” – perhaps you have changed jobs, retired, moved to a different location or perhaps, like so many of us, you have now only working from home, so the clothes in your wardrobe are no longer the sort of clothes you wear. I remember when I first came back from living in Italy full time, I had a real crisis of confidence in my style as I the only clothes I had were warm/hot weather clothes. I couldn’t remember how to dress for cooler climes and I became frustrated every time I looked for something to put on, telling myself I had loads of lovely clothes, why did I feel I had nothing to put on?
After a while I realised that the clothes I had weren’t right for my new life and once I had accepted this and started to build on what I had, my personal style came through again and my confidence returned.
email: info@elinorsalter.com